Friday, August 4, 2017

Weight...a minute!

Now with this new diet lifestyle, I've been able to lose weight steadily. Now we all love losing weight, but we hate the morning ritual that is the weight scale. Now, I don't know about you all, but I weigh myself in the morning to get the most accurate reading. After fasting for 16 hours my body is able to go through the processes it needs to assimilate those nutrients which allow the body to burn fat - all while I sleep!

So how do you go about weighing yourself in the morning? Without too many gory details I think it's best to do it after you go to the restroom and with the least clothing as possible, I mean you want to get good news, not bad! A good weigh in the morning is making sure you don't gain any. Do you accept the first weigh or do you weigh yourself multiple times to make sure it isn't a fluke? When you find you weigh less or the same it's always a good day, right? But when you don't what do you find as acceptable and what is an "Aww man, I don't get how that happened, my life is over with, I feel like going back to bed and the heck with this stuff I'm going to stuff my face now weigh!" Yeah, guys feel that way too - maybe just older guys - I'm just speaking for myself.

I feel if it's just a pound, cool beans. But if it's more, then my mind starts swirling like a worry vortex and I'm trying to understand what nefarious activity transpired to make me gain so much weight? Like did I eat too much-processed meats, junk food, sugar, drink too much alcohol (some people don't think that is possible - it's like can't drink enough), or sodas? Or is it just too much salt intake? Remember, I have fibro and candida, so sugars are not good for me. Please remember for me because I forget, haha. My mind does a bite by bite recall trying to see where I went wrong - or maybe it was obvious of not exercising today. But then I realize, I haven't been really exercising with this plan - so I guess it's my intake. So how do I counterbalance that by taking in less today or just make sure I WATCH what I eat?

Wives have a way of being a natural deterrent for things that we like to do but don't really give it any thought - that's what they're for - so they can tell us every 15 minutes so we make sure we get the point. Well, point well taken. It's not nagging but more of a persistent indicator. Filling your inbox (ears and brain) with constant email notifications (her constant reminders) of what we should NOT be eating. So, I weighed myself today and I was happy that I DIDN'T gain any weight. Of course, we want to make sure our joy is tempered since we don't want to be telling our wives of how much weight we're losing when they say they can't seem to lose the weight quick enough. So keep it to yourselves guys unless she asks, and if she does, please downplay it with a convincing vigor that will make her feel secure and at the same time praise you.

So, tomorrow I will do the same thing and hope I haven't gained anything so as not to lose hope of ever getting to my desired goal; to tie my shoes no matter what age I am.

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